Amare la propria terra, significa avere la voglia di ricostruire giorno dopo giorno il suo passato per scoprire il suo presente e programmare il suo futuro. Significa arricchirsi continuamente ... Leggi tutto
Monthly archive luglio 2018
Manifestazione d'interesse per convenzionamento strutture educative per il sostegno dell'offerta di servizi educativi per la prima infanzia (3-36 mesi) a.e. 2018/2019     SCADENZA VENERDI' 20 LUGLIO 2018 ORE 12.00

Manifestazione d’interesse per convenzionamento strutture educative per il sostegno dell’offerta di servizi educativi per la prima infanzia (3-36 mesi) a.e. 2018/2019 SCADENZA VENERDI’ 20 LUGLIO 2018 ORE 12.00

Il Comune di Pescia con  determinazione dirigenziale n° 1322 del 09/07/2018 ha approvato l’avviso pubblico per l’acquisizione di manifestazione di interesse per l’eventuale stipula di convenzioni per l’acquisto di posti-bambino per l’a.e. 2018/2019 presso servizi educativi prima infanzia, accreditati, della Provincia di Pistoia. Tutti i nidi privati autorizzati al funzionamento ed accreditati dailoro rispettivi Comuni, ubicati...

Your five Problems To Watch Out For in Global Projects

With the many projects now staying conducted over a global dimensions by intercontinental organisations affecting diverse teams working in distinctive places and around distinct countries it will be trusting to expect the project to be hassel-free and manage smoothly at all times. With persons involved out of a variety of social backgrounds and with built...

A few Problems To consider in Global Projects

With the many jobs now being conducted over a global degree by world-wide organisations relating diverse clubs working in varied places and throughout distinctive countries it would be naive should be expected the project to be hassel-free and manage smoothly always. With persons involved from a variety of ethnical backgrounds and with natural language boundaries...

5 various Problems To Watch Out For in Global Projects

With the many jobs now staying conducted on the global size by worldwide organisations concerning diverse groups working in varied places and around unique countries it could be naive should be expected the project to be hassel-free and manage smoothly always. With people involved by a selection of ethnical backgrounds and with natural language barriers...

5 Problems To Watch Out For in Global Projects

With the many jobs now being conducted on a global enormity by worldwide organisations concerning diverse clubs working in varied places and across varied countries it may be naive to expect the job to be hassel-free and operate smoothly constantly. With people involved coming from a variety of cultural backgrounds and with natural language limitations...